Friday 27 May 2011

The "wuacatela" photo...

For me this is the most amazing photo about what people feel when they don´t like something :)
I don´t remember who took this picture because this was taken when my girlfriend and I were still in school, but probably my father took it because the camera belongs to him (and he is like a boy with candies xD) Furthermore my mother is in the picture too, so I think my father was the photographer.

The day when this photo was taken, it was a special day. We were in National Holidays (but not for this it was a special day) and my family and me always go to "fondas" in Peñaflor (Rockaflower xD) in this date, but that year something changed... I rang my girlfriend and invited her to go with us, and she said: "ok",  but the important thing was that my girlfriend never went to a "Fonda" before :) so she was very nervous while we were going to there.

We spent a great moment and we did a lot of thing like eating "empanadas" and "churros", we played funny and difficult games such as target shooting, hopscotch, taca-taca and we saw a lot of animals for example hens with their chiks, horses and ponies, and dogs which wanted to take the meal from people (specially drunk people).

After we played we went to a "stand" and bought two "anticuchos". Everything was fine until we began to eat it, because the meat wasn´t cooked at all, but the worst part in this love story (L) was when we started to think that perhaps the meat wasn´t from a cow, it was more similar to dog´s meat... :( I really didn´t mind but to my girlfriend this scene made her feel sick, and that´s why he had that face in the pciture :D

I like this picture because it reflects the real sensation that we had in that funny moment and moreover everytime when I see this picture I can´t stop to think how lovely my girlfriend looked with that woolen dress :$ 

Friday 20 May 2011


For me Sports are something necessary to save our short life, but only because with some kinds of sports (any sport in fact) we can decrease the levels of diseases related to heart or brain. I think that sports are really important to people for knowing other people and this is very important to the evolution of the brain and mind as when we visit a lot of places or countries because we see and know diferents realities.
Furthermore with the sports we can de-stress and help each other to be more happy in life but when we win xD
I  always get bored and tired when I see the matches of any sports on TV but when Colo-Colo (the greatest football team ever) is playing for me is another thing, but now they are loosing all the time, and that´s bad.
But in another side I love to play sports, every sports from football to basketball and from atletism to swimming, however I think I like the sports when I have a lot of contact more than others, because sometimes I can hit people or better than that I can fight with people like martial arts.
My life like a sportsman began when I was in the school and I entered the Atletism Team, I had a lot of qualities for the sport but I didnt want to run, run and run, so I changed to the Voleiball Team and I was very important in the team in spite of this we never won a match :(

In a paralel existence I belong to a taekwondo team near my house (30 minutes from my house) and there I learned a lot of things not only about the sports, others things like respet, honor, friendship, etc. and I think for me it was very important. I remember I always had to fight with my brother and we created a spectacular fight, sometimes he was the winner and other times I was (I think most of the fights it was me the winner :)), and the best of all were the tournaments and the posibilities to kick the ass of other persons, we did martials arts forms and use martial arts weapons like "nunchaku". And the saddest day of my life came to me 4 years ago when I, for a rare reason, began to loose my force and mobility of my fingers (the smallest first) then my hand, and to finish my arm, in the beginning it was my left arm but then I began to have problems in the other arm, so I went to see the doctor (neurosurgeon) and he told me I have a congenital disease that increases for the kind of the sports I played. I had to operate my elbow and from that moment I had to (I needed to) renounce the throne.
And so it was I found the magic of eating :D
Last year with help of my girlfriend (a fundamental pillar in my life) I returned to the sport life and entered the basketball team, and today I go to the swiming pool everytime I can, but there are some types of exercises that I can't do like the "lizards" or some exercises with weight. 

Friday 13 May 2011

My Notebook :)

My favourite piece of tecnhology is my Notebook!. It is one of my very important possesion that I have, I think without it my life as student, boyfriend and musician would be altered, because I always have to see my digital classroom (u-cursos) to study, download class, notes and a lot of information about the different subjects. Furthermore I can talk with my girlfriend while I am watching Tv, studying or eating, and when I want to learn some songs or melodies I can search it on the net, and for me this is a real help because some scores are very expensive.
This amazing object got to my hands as a Birthday and Christmas gift (and I had to take out some money from the bank), and my parents gave me this when I entered university because I needed it to program in a subject, and besides my future notebook would help me in my studies.
I use it everyday, whenever I can, and the first thing that I do when I turn it on is log in to the internet and check my u-cursos, hotmail and facebook (in this order), then I log out from Internet and enter again, but this time I do what I have to do.
Before I became a future Odontologist I had a lot of games like Starcraf (the best and the most important games from all the times, to me), Nosferatu (a vampire slayer´s game) and others that in this moment I can´t remember... but my girlfriend said  to me I had to desinstall it because I need concentration. But I still have installed Starcraft jejeje but I don´t use it.
I like my Notebook, it is black and it has a photo of me and my girlfriend as background. the only thing I hate is the fact that I broke the battey and to use it I always need to plug it in or stick it with scotch.
For me, my notebook has been one of the best gifts that my parents could give me.