Friday 27 January 2012

The Tooth Faculty!

For me is very important that my place to study have different spaces to stay, for example that the library has one zone to work in groups to have the possibility to talk, and another place to study in silence. Something that can´t miss are green areas. And furthermore a nice architecture because its really important to the symmetry and beauty. 
In the beginning I didn’t like a lot because before to be here, I studied  in Beaucheff and I think that nobody can say that this is one of the best faculty of Uchile.
My lovely faculty has a lot of things that make it unique, for example we are just one career but in one faculty and for me it is a great thing because we are in a world where all of us study the same and know each other, we are like a family and I love this human atmosphere, and the academics are very friendly with us and they try to help us in the most cases.
I like the distribution of the buildings, I mean one is for pregrade, other is clinic and the last one is to investigation, and between them there is a kind of a big stair with some of grass which we call “machu pichu”. Moreover the classrooms and study rooms are well equipped and we had an unbeliever computer lab with “touch” computers.
When I have some windows I try to go to the computers lab or stay in machu pichu with my friends.
I think that I will miss my best friends because they are from different parts of Chile and when they finish the career they will go to their home.

Friday 20 January 2012

The Green..... the new way to be in!

In this days the word green is more than a colour, it’s a new way to learn how to live within our Earth, and its necessary to be more conscientious in this aspect, and to do this we can learn visiting the environmentally ministry with their “environmental education”.

I Remembered that in school when I was in 4º the main teacher taught us a funny way to recycling and she invited us to plant trees such as orange or apple trees in a plot which had our school in that moment, and I think since this I began to feel something about the nature. And in the courtyard of my house my mom and I cultivate the majority of our salads for lunch.

When I see on the TV the different fights against the Earth`s destructors I feel very happy but I don’t want to join any eco-organization because I don’t like groups in general (except for music). However I always try to do my bit to reduce my carbon footprint, for example whenever I can I recycle tetra-pack cartons and I give to a friend who go to the recycling points. Furthermore I avoid products with a lot of packaging and I use the recycle bags that sell the supermarket to buy on it, and I prefer the bike than my car when I have to go to places relative near of my house.
I don’t know what is missing in Santiago, but I can talk about Maipu, and as a residence commune, someone (because I don’t know who was) built in Pajaritos Avenue, different stations to do exercises, and a cycle path and other lane to run.

Sunday 15 January 2012

The Good and the Evil

Its been a long time since someone said that the doctor´s role is to restore health and relieve the suffering and pain, not only when that mitigation can lead to healing, but also whether it can serve to ensure a quiet and easy death."And I´m totally agree about this because as in the decalogue of christianity it always there are different cases when life isn´t a life. I think that we had to think in diseases like some cancers and often in wars.

A remember that my parents told a very controversial case named in that oportunity the living dead of New Jersey, when a twenty years sportswoman after taked a heavy dose of tranquillizer and gin-tonic glasess, because of this this girl needed to be intubated in a hospital with an artificial lung to live and the worst part came when one of the neurologists defined her as “permanent vegetative state”. The Furthermore the judge dictated a ruling that held that, to be able to determine for certain the gril alive medical and legal, could not be authorized to interrupt the action of the apparatus, because such an act would constitute a murder.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

"Vivo por Ella"

In 1995 appears one of the most beautiful songs interpretated by Andrea Boccelli, which its about what is the music for him. To me music isnt just a word, it is a word and when I visit it I feel that I have wings and time doesnt exist, its something that I cant describe I prefer to be there.

Since I was a kid that I like two kind of big groups, in one side it is Hard Rock and Metal music, but in another hand it is "Docta" music that take my heart apart, maybe I like both because these groups has more in common that difference, first of all almost the totally of the good artists of Rock Bands has some years immerse in the world of Beethoven, Paganini or Bach.

I dont have the gift of dancing and thats why I love playing music on my guitar, piano or flute, but I think the greatest thing are going to concerts because you mix different people and ages but with a same soul.

We as humane need the presence of different stimulus to feel alive and sometimes only the perfect song can understand our particular situation. 

Friday 6 January 2012

Rotten teeth putting more young children in hospital

 All the us know that dental problems can start early when we are just childrens, but the people of UK never would be think that between 1997 and 2006 more than 470,000 kids needed hospital admission for treatment because of their teeth, and the worst of all is what we would have to think about this if with all the advances in Odontopediatry that exist, and the fact that the teeth of childrens are more stronger than the adults teeth, and the fluoride water, this is happening in England.
The authorities are very concerned about this situation, because the extractions for caries over the nine years (the long of the study) increase around a 66%, and the peak age for this procedure about rotten teeth was five years old.
An expert of Pediatric Dentistry said that this study which bring us these results, said that there are two topics worrying, one of them is the increase in the number of general anesthesic being given to children which was moved in 2000 from the primary care to the second care because of their fatal probability. And the other problematic is the widening gulf in dental health between social classes, where poor kids are far more likely to need treatment who are the 75% against a 33% from the more affluent areas.