Friday 6 January 2012

Rotten teeth putting more young children in hospital

 All the us know that dental problems can start early when we are just childrens, but the people of UK never would be think that between 1997 and 2006 more than 470,000 kids needed hospital admission for treatment because of their teeth, and the worst of all is what we would have to think about this if with all the advances in Odontopediatry that exist, and the fact that the teeth of childrens are more stronger than the adults teeth, and the fluoride water, this is happening in England.
The authorities are very concerned about this situation, because the extractions for caries over the nine years (the long of the study) increase around a 66%, and the peak age for this procedure about rotten teeth was five years old.
An expert of Pediatric Dentistry said that this study which bring us these results, said that there are two topics worrying, one of them is the increase in the number of general anesthesic being given to children which was moved in 2000 from the primary care to the second care because of their fatal probability. And the other problematic is the widening gulf in dental health between social classes, where poor kids are far more likely to need treatment who are the 75% against a 33% from the more affluent areas.

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